Monday, May 18, 2009

The Email Heard Round Four of My Friends' Outlook Programs

I promised you the email that started it all, and here goes - The Met's Costume Gala 2009. Enjoy!

This spawned two more emails...if you like this one, I'll post the rest. It's long, but bear with me.

The Met had their Costume Gala tonight - I wonder why I never go to look since I live so close. Anyway, I have been moved to send this fashion email since I was shocked and disappointed by many outfit choices, skin malfunctions, and general weird photos from tonight.

I must present my case in as simple and impassioned a manner as possible. I would like to hear your feedback, since it is important to know if there is some new trend, or some other way to view the yuck and the good out of these photos that I may not have thought of before.

Picture this: May 2009, Upper East Side, New York City. The world's most famous and infamous people gather at a musuem. The Theme is the Model as Muse.

First up is Tom Brady and Gisele - I'm not feeling this outfit, but I'm REALLY not feeling those shoes. Yickers. The dress itself isn't bad (cute ass going dancing dress), it just doesn't feel event appropriate. Like, Tom Brady doesn't feel appropriate to this even either. Plus I think Gisele looks like a giraffe face that just made a fart. so there.

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Rihanna - Girl, I don't know. I don't wanna know. Posh Spice is BARELY pulling off this Star Trek Romulan shit. I like your hair, I like your grill piece, so why wear an outfit that ONLY Grace Jones can pull off??!?! And then you add your little Michael Jackson tribute-esque glove. Boo hiss on this. Your shoes are super cute....

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Why is Justin Timberlake trying to channel Martin Scorcese with those glasses? And just between you and me, I actually do NOT like Jessica Biel. I'm kind of sort of feeling this flamenco-y dress. I dig her shoes, I think this is just an awkward pose....who am I kidding, I just don't like the broad.

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Kate Bosworth - Work. That dress is literally texting, calling, im-ing, tweeting, BANGING. Your hair, makeups, gorgeousness yummy delicious cold milk with cereal on a summer day wonderful. I'm a sucker for red lipstick done well. High five over the phone, homegirl.

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Grey Gardens meets Les Miserables. Greymiserable. Master of the House, quick to catch your eye.....

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And now the cleaner sister. She is the answer to Mary Kate's PigPen. And usually wears the cuter (I think, at least) gear. But this time she wore the tablecloth. go figure. But it's her look that gets you...she knows she wore a damn tablecloth to the Met. Check out Gisele's leg and show from the back...looks fabu, right?

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Kate Hudson looks like she and The Sun are dating, and the relationship is going well. Golden kissed goldenness. Beautiful.

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I like the concept and color of Liv Tyler's dress. It's very Joan Crawford. Maybe it's the camera angle, because she looks odd here. I'm going to go with camera angle, and some football shoulder pads. Also, she's standing oddly. I can't stand it when tall women slouch. God gave you height...use it.

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Madonna - I think you have officially played yourself. You are the material girl, and this was the best you came up with. Your arms are scary. The dress is bad enough. Your hair looks like who shot John, but then you kick it with those boots from hell. Those boots make me angry. Those boots will be the reason you don't get that baby MErcy from Malawai. Offensive boots.

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1 comment:

  1. I think my original comment from when this was an e-mail still stands - BORING. I've seen it all before. - Shephathiah
